Monthly Archives: November 2020

  • Copper Tube and Fittings for Plumbing Application

Copper Tube and Fittings for Plumbing Application

Copper Tube and Fittings for Plumbing Application Copper tube and fittings are suitable for use in a diverse range of applications in building construction, which is testimony to their ability to provide long trouble-free service under a multitude of service conditions. Copper’s reputation for excellence is based on decades of actual service experience in these [...]

By |November 30th, 2020|Copper, Copper Fittings, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Applications, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, PIPE, Tubing, TUBING|Comments Off on Copper Tube and Fittings for Plumbing Application
  • Resistance Welding Materials Copper Tube

Resistance Welding Materials Copper Tube

Resistance Welding Materials Copper Tube These high-strength/ high-conductivity alloy rods and bars are used extensively as the base material for resistance welding electrodes and related welding components. All products meet Resistance Welder Manufacturers Association (RWMA) standards. RWMA products are offered in Round Rods from .250" to 3.650" diameter; in Square Bars from .375" to 2.500" [...]

By |November 28th, 2020|Copper, Copper Fittings, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, TUBING, Tubing Material|Comments Off on Resistance Welding Materials Copper Tube
  • Copper Tube Corrosion Resistance

Copper Tube Corrosion Resistance

Copper Tube Corrosion Resistance No other plumbing material has the service performance record of copper water tube and fittings. Copper tube has been used for hot and cold water systems since the 1930s. And it is not uncommon for these early installations to still be performing satisfactorily 60 years later! There are thousands upon thousands [...]

By |November 26th, 2020|BRASS & COPPER, Copper, Copper Fittings, Copper Parts, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, PIPE, Seamless Tubes, Tubing, TUBING|Comments Off on Copper Tube Corrosion Resistance


RWMA COPPER ALLOYS RWMA Class Type of Material CDA No. Primary Use Class 1 Copper-Zirconium C15000 Zirconium Copper is used in spot welding electrodes and seam weld wheels. It is particularly useful when welding galvanized materials because of its high thermal conductivity, which prevents sticking. Class 2 Copper-Chromium C18200 Chromium Copper is the primary copper [...]

By |November 24th, 2020|BRASS & COPPER, Copper, Copper Fittings, Copper Pipe, Copper Rod & Bsr, Copper Tubes, DoWeDo News, Grade, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, Tubing Material|Comments Off on RWMA COPPER ALLOYS
  • Brazing Copper Tube

Brazing Copper Tube

Brazing Copper Tube Brazing is another joining process for connecting copper tube and fittings. However, it involves filler metals that melt at temperatures ranging from 590oC (1,100oF) to 815oC (1,500oF), which are much higher than the solders covered in the previous section. The temperature at which a filler metal starts to melt on heating is [...]

By |November 22nd, 2020|BRASS & COPPER, Copper, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, PIPE, Tubing, TUBING, Tubing Material|Comments Off on Brazing Copper Tube
  • Why Select Copper

Why Select Copper?

Why Select Copper? Superior performance at reasonable cost! Copper tube and fittings are chosen for the majority of new and retrofit installations in China, because the advantages of copper systems provide long, trouble-free service at low, total installed cost. Why Select Copper Light & Compact: Copper’s light weight permits easier handling and prefabrication. [...]

By |November 20th, 2020|Copper, Copper Fittings, Copper Parts, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, PIPE, TUBING|Comments Off on Why Select Copper?
  • Soldering Copper Tubing Part 2

Soldering Copper Tubing Part 2

Soldering Copper Tubing Part 2 Assembly and Support Insert the tube-end into the fitting cup, making sure that the tube is seated against the base of the fitting cup. (Figure 9) A slight twisting motion ensures even coverage of the flux. Remove excess flux from the exterior of the joint with a cotton rag. (Figure [...]

By |November 18th, 2020|Copper, Copper Fittings, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, PIPE, TUBING|Comments Off on Soldering Copper Tubing Part 2
  • Soldering Copper Tube

Soldering Copper Tube

Soldering Copper Tube Soldering is a process that joins base metals using a filler metal (solder) which melts at a lower temperature than the base metals. Most soldering is done with solders that melt at temperatures ranging from approximately 175oC (350oF) to 290oC (550oF). In order to consistently make satisfactory joints, the sequence of operations [...]

By |November 16th, 2020|Copper, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, PIPE, TUBING, Tubing, Tubing Material|Comments Off on Soldering Copper Tube
  • Straight Copper Tubes Copper Pipes China Supplier

Straight Copper Tubes Copper Pipes China Supplier

Straight Copper Tubes Copper Pipes China Supplier Straight Copper Pipe & Tube Is Tougher Than Coiled Copper Pipes And As Such It Is Used In A Number Of Very Special Applications Such As In Distilling Or In Various Types Of Appliances. Copper Pipe Straight Is Commonly Used And Quite Likely, They Are The Ones Being [...]

By |November 14th, 2020|BRASS & COPPER, Copper, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, PIPE, TUBING|Comments Off on Straight Copper Tubes Copper Pipes China Supplier
  • Copper Tubing & Tubular Bus Conductors

Copper Tubing & Tubular Bus Conductors

Copper Tubing & Tubular Bus Conductors Tubular Bus Conductors and heavy wall copper tubing are hollow copper profiles manufactured to provide internal cooling for high current density conductors for industrial/ induction heating and advanced magnets. WINDO METAL offers copper tubing in a full complement of standard sizes such a 1.500" OD round or 1" x [...]

By |November 12th, 2020|Copper, Copper Busbar, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, PIPE, TUBING, Tubing Material|Comments Off on Copper Tubing & Tubular Bus Conductors
  • Copper Tubing Pinholes

Copper Tubing Pinholes

Copper Tubing Pinholes Pinhole leaks with pitting initiating on the exterior surface of the pipe can occur if copper piping is improperly grounded or bonded. The phenomenon is known technically as stray current corrosion or electrolytic pitting. Pin-holing due to poor grounding or poor bonding occurs typically in homes where the original plumbing has been [...]

By |November 10th, 2020|Copper, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, PIPE, TUBING, Tubing|Comments Off on Copper Tubing Pinholes
  • Copper Tubing Sizes

Copper Tubing Sizes

Copper Tubing Sizes United States, Canada and India Common wall-thicknesses of copper tubing in the U.S. , Canada and India are "Type K", "Type L", "Type M", and "Type DWV": Type K has the thickest wall section of the three types of pressure rated tubing and is commonly used for deep underground burial, such as [...]

By |November 8th, 2020|BRASS & COPPER, Copper, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Seamless Tubes, Tubing, TUBING, Tubing Material|Comments Off on Copper Tubing Sizes
  • Copper Pipe Tube Supplier & Exporter

Copper Pipe Tube Supplier & Exporter

Copper Pipe Tube Supplier & Exporter Windo Metal Inc. Is One Of The Most Leading Supplier Of Copper Pipe & Tube All Over The World. The Use Of Copper Pipes And Tubes Is Very Common In Plumbing, Air Conditioning And Other Applications. We Regularly Supply Threaded, Insulated & Hard Drawn Copper Pipes To USA, UK, [...]

By |November 6th, 2020|BRASS & COPPER, Copper, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Grade, Metal, Metal Knowledge, PIPE, TUBING, Tubing Material|Comments Off on Copper Pipe Tube Supplier & Exporter
  • Copper Tubing Types

Copper Tubing Types

Copper Tubing Types Copper tubing is most often used for heating systems, and as a refrigerant line in HVAC systems. Copper tubing is slowly being replaced by PEX tubing in hot and cold water applications. There are two basic types of copper tubing, soft copper and rigid copper. Copper tubing is joined using flare connection, [...]

By |November 4th, 2020|Copper, Copper Parts, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, PIPE, Seamless Tubes, Steel, TUBING, Tubing, Tubing Material|Comments Off on Copper Tubing Types
  • Type of Copper Pipes & Tubes

Type of Copper Pipes & Tubes

Type of Copper Pipes & Tubes Copper tubing is most often used for heating systems, and as a refrigerant line in HVAC systems. Copper tubing is slowly being replaced by PEX tubing in hot and cold water applications. There are two basic types of copper tubing, soft copper and rigid copper. Copper tubing is joined [...]

By |November 2nd, 2020|BRASS & COPPER, Copper, Copper Alloy Tubes, Copper Pipe, Copper Tubes, Copper Tubing, DoWeDo News, Metal, Metal Knowledge, Metal Processes, PIPE, Tubing, TUBING, Tubing Material|Comments Off on Type of Copper Pipes & Tubes
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